Connecting Europe Through History

How Academics can be of more use for Education, Oxford Roundtable

On May 30-31 2010, the fifth event within the “Connecting Europe through History” series took place in Oxford. The topic was “Experience and perception of Migration and Movement in and across Europe”. Lectures were given by well known researchers, amongst others Dr. Renee Hirschon, Dr. Mateo Ballester, Professor Roger Zetter, and Professor Peter Pulzer. A special Round Table Discussion on a role of migration in history teaching was organised, where EUROCLIO Affliates and History Education experts Chris Rowe, Ann Low-Beer, Vikki Askew and Dean Smart engaged in a very vivid debate with each other and with the audience about the nature of teaching history, the realistic goals society has set for it, and the role of a theme like migration in the future of the subject’s place in schools. Below you can re-watch the excellent Roundtable, and get an impression of this event, part of which was organised outside in the garden, due to the early May heat.

Click below on the play icon to listen to the Roundtable discussion.